Before the Craik Green Map was even completed, I knew that version 2 would be a necessity. Almost a year later, only a handful of maps remain, and there is a growing list of new "green" features to add to the next map.
From my new home in the area, I can see a young family breaking ground for an off-grid studio and home. The hemp processing mill is still slated to be constructed this fall. YouthBuild, an organization to help engage and train youth who have left the public system, has set up shop. An international school plans to develop facilities and programming in the area and begin classes this fall, focusing on entrepreneurial skills and sustainable living. In rural Saskatchewan, where a dozen schools are closing this year due to declining populations, this is a BIG DEAL.
The fantastic thing about this local resurgence of development and activity, is that it is a chance to do things differently, to do things right (ie. no "cookie-cutter" suburban developments or big box stores; alternative housing and building materials, green houses and farmer's markets represent the direction this area is heading!)
My wife and I began planting a small cherry orchard behind the house this weekend. Living in this community, it goes without saying that this is going to be a pesticide-free, hands-on venture.
And another local feature to highlight on the next map.